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Flynn Jensen Company (FJC) subcontracts with live in-lane auto auction companies that sell all types of vehicles, typically on a weekly basis. All government seized vehicle auctions are open to the public.
Flynn Jensen Company (FJC) contracts with the United States Marshals Service (USMS) and other government entities from time-to-time. USMS disposes of forfeited vehicles through various sale types such as live auctions or on-line sales
Flynn Jensen Company (FJC) subcontracts with on-line sales companies to sell government forfeited vehicles. Potential customers can contact us to find out when the next available government vehicle on-line sale is scheduled.
FJC offers all types of sedans and light trucks available for sale when they are forfeited by the federal government agency that owns the vehicle. All vehicles are sold in open-to-the-public sales. Most vehicles are in fair to good condition. Potential buyers must be registered at the sale location and read and understand the terms and conditions of the sale before buying. All sales are final and there are no warranties available for federal government sales.
Larger pick-ups and heavy trucks are usually available for sale. These trucks range from Ford F-350 types and larger. Heavier trucks are over-the-road tractors and semi-trailers. FJC has had all types of larger vehicles to include dump trucks, refridgerated trucks, and even large wreckers and tow trucks. Potential buyers must be registered at the sale location and read and understand the terms and conditions of the sale before buying. All sales are final and there are no warranties available for federal government sales.
FJC inventories include specialty vehicles like, motorhomes, motorcycles, boats, all-terrain vehicles and high-value sports cars. These specialty units are hard to find so customers should keep an eye on inventories. Potential buyers must be registered at the sale location and read and understand the terms and conditions of the sale before buying. All sales are final and there are no warranties available for federal government sales.
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